To draw upon an old pork advertising slogan..." Wheat" is the other white grain, opposed to "barley" which is ubiquitously the main source of brewing malt.
The Bavarian-style hefeweizen (or unfiltered wheat beer made with 50% red wheat malt) will be ready to tap on Wednesday, July 13th. I am also going to do a new wheat beer each week with a flavor addition. On the first Wednesday, I've chosen strawberries because they have been in season recently. Future weeks will include: blueberries, cherries, vanilla, cloves, cantaloupe, raspberries, chili peppers and more surprises as well.
So clear your calendar for Wednesday evenings and stop by the Arvada Yak for some beer bliss. There will only be one keg of each so when it runs out, it's gone! Join us on the 13th for the release of the Wheat beer as well as our Strawberry Wheat.
Prost! Adam
ps. follow our facebook: yakandyetiarvada or twitter @YakandYetiPub for weekly updates of what's new on tap
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