After last week's Wednesday tapping party, we'll be releasing another beer in the Wheat Beer Series: Cherry Wheat. Only $3.50 a pint during Happy Hour or try samples of any of our beers for $1 a sample. (Try the Cherry Wheat and Hefeweizen side-by-side for comparison.) This sucker is RED, not "amber" like most red ales, but RED like fruit punch! It's made with fresh whole cherries from Oregon. Come and impress your friends by tying cherry stems with your tongue (each glass will be garnished with a whole cherry on Wednesday night only, !caution! still contains a pit).
Now a little info about cherries:
- Unlike strawberries, cherries are definitely a fruit.
- Technically a "stone fruit" due to having a pit, this tree-grown fruit is of the same genus as plums, peaches and apricots.
- The cherry blossoms in spring are always a sight to behold (and smell).
- The Bing Cherry was developed in Oregon in 1875. (no relation to Bing Crosby)
- 75% of the nation's "tart" cherries come from Michigan
- cherry flavored cough syrup probably came to be since the bark of cherry trees was used to make cough suppressing teas
- Rose's Grenadine is not made with real cherries, but high fructose corn syrup
- "Cherry Pie" by Warrant - 1990 on Columbia Records
- New Glarus' Belgian Red is probablythe nations most winningest cherry beer
- Cherry wood makes beautiful woodwork
- Cherry Bombs were 3/4" spherical firecrackers (painted red with a fuse stem) that have been outlawed in the US since 1966
- Why is this song stuck in my head the whole time I'm writing this blog?
Common uses for cherries (that is besides putting them in beer....) include:
toppings on ice cream (maraschino cherries); pies/cakes; jams/jellies; chocolate covered; used as flavorings for soda, ice cream, yogurt, candy, cotton candy, slurpies, donuts, pop tarts, Twizzlers! (addicting aren't they?) and as cherry wine.
Door County is the "thumb" of Wisconsin and is famous for growing cherries, I remember when I was around 21 going to a winery and trying some EXTRA tart cherry wine. I know it ain't that healthy but my favorite way to consume cherries is in a Hostess Cherry Pie. What other uses or ways do you like to eat cherries?
Adam Draeger
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